Andrew Mandis The story continue. I said my father in Heaven has already fulfilled my needs. I preached to them, the love of money is the root of evil. I need no money, better let they ask me to preach to them and pray.Let they stop sending such message, if not then very soon they will be in trouble. I prayed for them too. I said God has chosen me to serve and I'm lookng for a lost people to tell them about Jesus. Not money.
June 13 at 4:36pm
Andrew Mandis BE e careful of evil peope in internet. I got 2 messaages this morning idon't know the person it's from Ivory Coast she need my bank account, she want to send sum of$6.5 Million. Another person -sum of ($8,000,000.00). I preached to them this morining.
June 13 at 4:24pm
Andrew Mandis is worshiping the lord.
June 13 at 12:14pm
Andrew Mandis is with Frank talking, how I'm going to build a christian school in southern Sudan in future, and i'm teaching him how to speak southern Arab when he come to Sudan, he 'll be able to communicate.
June 13 at 12:12pm