I was so excited for today how God can you use us for his glory and honor. I was gland Mom Lala let me go to help God's people. I surprised one old woman as we come to her house she was sleeping and dreaming that there is somebody at the door. When she wake up, she walked at the door. We show up and shared the message of the Christmas to her and I prayed for her. I give glory to God for allowing me to be the part of his mission. I enjoyed the day as I serve my christian brothers. Thank you Jesus.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Rest in peace Idea.

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Speak to Baba through Skype.
Today is my best day in the United States. I was so excited to see my father over skype long way from Uganda. I thank God so much for my friend Natalei. She connected me to talk to my father. I left home April of 2008 and I travel to Uganda to process my visa for US. I had been a year and half I didn't see my father and the rest of the family. I feel happy as I see my father, I see all of them though they were in south Sudan. I also thank God for my father's hospital, he is talking madical treatments hope he will be better soo.
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you Jesus.
Bad day.
Although things are not running as I expected, still God is in control. I got the Information my sister lost her daughter. I feel so sorry about that but I pray that God will give her a courage.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My Daddy.

I was not feeling good about my Daddy since March 2009. He is sick in Mundri where there in no hospital. My Daddy is taking care of over 25 people at the house, however, this year he was sick he can't grow crops for the family. In the month of June he can't walk at all . I prayed for him over phone, he fells little better but the sickness is general paining of the body, all joins are hurting. I thought it might be atoractix i do not know. Anyway, I prayed to God to direct me what I can do so that he will be okay. I decide to look for some jobs here in USA so that my Daddy can go to hospital in Kampala. I raised $100 dollars for him but the budget for two of them to travel from Mundri to Kampala in big. The money for the transport, feeding, and hospital. I do not know how I can get that money. But today October 27, 2009. I get a call from my sister and friend Jenny Edward that she is giving $1000 Us dollars for my Daddy's hospital. Wow, I fled down and crying, thanking God, and praying; I have nothing to say to Sister Jenny and God. All I said thank you Lord, Let the glory, power, Majesty be for ever and ever for the Lamp of God.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Christian Family. God Raised Me Up.
God raised me up from Mundri Sudan to Uganda and here in United States. He send me to school. My family can't raise money for my school. God did it for me. He paid it all. I found freedom, peace in my life when I become God's family. He adopted me and he is taking care of me. God use me to make difference in my friends life so that they may know you.
This is how we build mud house back home.

This is where I come from. This is my family; i love them so much.

From the Jungle of Sudan, God choose me from out of nothing and send me to school to educate me for the people of SUDAN. Not only the people of Sudan, but the great commission in Matthew 28:19/22 said GO and make disciple of all nation. God raise me up from poor family to show to the world that God cares for poor people like Andrew. God help me to impact lives for Christ. Lord make your self famous through me; help me to obey you and follow your steps.
I just want to say thank you my God for love, mercy, grace, and sending to die for me. I will sing of your love forever. You Almighty God, I give you glory and honor. I love you God, I love you Jesus.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tower of selvishness.
What am I talking about? I am talking about do things for praising themselves. God hate a selfish people. In Geneses 11:1 God confused the language of selfish men and scattered them . Today, many people go to school to have better job, good life, earn more money for themselves and forget God. What are we going to gain out of this world? Nothing, as for me, I go to school for the glory of God and for my people. Use what you have to get what you don't have from God.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Good Morning Guys:
I thank God for you and for how He is moving in each of your lives. Yesterday, David
Platt challenged us as to how we can help the orphans, widows and poor of society. I know
that you had conversations yesterday regarding how you could assist a widow in Sudan who
has no food to eat. I am excited to see if God continues to direct you guys to help this
family. Just as you are looking at this opportunity in a foreign context, I would like to
challenge each of you to consider how locally we can help widows, orphans or the poor in
our community. These do not have to involve financial resources, it may be something such
as taking care of the yard for a widow, or tutoring an orphan, or ___________ (you fill
in the blank.) I would appreciate it if everyone could email me some ideas that you have
come up with and then together we will pray over all of them and seek God's guidance
regarding where he would have us to serve. May God be glorified and His name exalted!
I thank God for you and for how He is moving in each of your lives. Yesterday, David
Platt challenged us as to how we can help the orphans, widows and poor of society. I know
that you had conversations yesterday regarding how you could assist a widow in Sudan who
has no food to eat. I am excited to see if God continues to direct you guys to help this
family. Just as you are looking at this opportunity in a foreign context, I would like to
challenge each of you to consider how locally we can help widows, orphans or the poor in
our community. These do not have to involve financial resources, it may be something such
as taking care of the yard for a widow, or tutoring an orphan, or ___________ (you fill
in the blank.) I would appreciate it if everyone could email me some ideas that you have
come up with and then together we will pray over all of them and seek God's guidance
regarding where he would have us to serve. May God be glorified and His name exalted!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Staying Together 360
Important of staying together.To begin with, I would like to talk little bit about living together in the African traditional society. In the African traditional society, families have many children and stay together at one home in order to help one another. Every members of the family were required to participate in the different activities carried at home. For example man are responsible to build and repair a mud hart, go hunting, digging a garden and many others. Woman were required to prepare meal, take care of children and fetch water to the family. Three weeks now, God united us as one family at 360 house, to educate us to be a great servants of God. . Now we have learned term building. This week, we had a great time together at home. On Monday night, we had a great time at house studying God’s word . We discussed about regeneration which means a secrete act of God in which he imparts a new spiritual life in us. Everyone of us participated in the studying of regeneration. Mama Lisa asked a question as we are still talking about regeneration. She said, if a child accepted Christ as Lord at the age of 5/10/15 through 18years then he/she backslide. He/ she lost in Many years doing bad things, then he/she come back to the God. She said, at age regeneration occur? At first or second? Find the answer through yourself. Yesterday, we went to Restoration academy Stephen and Jerime completed their high school. We met Stephen and Jerime’s mom at the school. Ms. Cookie Griffin saw us all the class rooms and we met teachers as well. We met Mrs. Amy at the school, she is a teacher and she worked with World Harvest Mission in Uganda for two years. The world Harvest mission are now in Mundri Sudan. Even she heard about Mundri . This morning everybody wake up earlier to carry their duty. In conclusion, This week when with the blessing of God Almighty. It’s Important to stay together , work and support one another. Together we will stand, but one will fall. I pray that God should teach us to obey his word and follow the right way. Andrew
Monday, August 10, 2009
Christian school in the middle of war.

Christian Liberty High school was opened in 2000 in Mundri Sudan. The school was opened by the missionary called Peter Hamond. The organization was called Frontline fellowship. The school lasted just for two years because of aerial bombardments. Students at the school were scared of the bombs. Even though the planes was dropping the bombs, the students of Christian Liberty High School at the Frontline Fellowship Mission based in Mundri Sudan, marching to the Chapel while singing a song of praise to the Lord. Andrew was leading the song and Bullen was in the first line in the lift. The song was:
1- Enter rejoice and come in, enter rejoice and come in.
2- Lift up your voice to the Lord, Lift up your voice to the Lord.
3- Open your heart to the Lord, open your heart to the Lord.
Ch: To day will be a joyful day, enter rejoice and come.
However, the school was closed in 2002 because of bombs and other reasons. The fruit of Christian Liberty High School was great in my life. Bullen and I were here in the United States to go to school. Many friends came from United State and met us at School. Even though the school was closed God opened the door for friendship around the world. God send Itam ministry in Mundri just because he want to use us for his glory by sending us to school in Uganda. Christian Liberty opened our visions for more studies. Even though the school was closed, in future will reopen a Christian School in Mundri for the future generation of southern Sudan Christians.
Rebuilding church.
After some months, we started rebuilding Church at Koto'bi Mundri Sudan. Christians worked hard to rebuild the Church.
This is Cannon Ruben carrying the poles of rebuilding church. He was the leader and archdeacon in the Diocese of Mundri Sudan at that time. He is a spiritual leader and he was one of the soldier who fought for the freedom of southern Sudanese in 1955. When Khartoum government planned to kill them in 1955 at night, one of Southern Sudanese Intelligence knew that Khartoum government had planned to kill southern Sudanese soldiers in Omdurman,(part of Khartoum) and he ran at night and jumped over the fence to tell them that tomorrow at 6:00am you're going to die. What? Ruben and the group of solidiers wrote a letter with the man to the British headquarters with all information. At 5:00am, the British army arrived to rescued them before Arab Muslim arrived at 6:00am. God called Runben from army to serve the Lord. He was one of the strong pastors during the war. He worked hard encouraging Christians to stand strong in their faith. Even though the bombs were dropped on the church, he encouraged Christians to stand with him to rebuild the church.
This is Cannon Ruben carrying the poles of rebuilding church. He was the leader and archdeacon in the Diocese of Mundri Sudan at that time. He is a spiritual leader and he was one of the soldier who fought for the freedom of southern Sudanese in 1955. When Khartoum government planned to kill them in 1955 at night, one of Southern Sudanese Intelligence knew that Khartoum government had planned to kill southern Sudanese soldiers in Omdurman,(part of Khartoum) and he ran at night and jumped over the fence to tell them that tomorrow at 6:00am you're going to die. What? Ruben and the group of solidiers wrote a letter with the man to the British headquarters with all information. At 5:00am, the British army arrived to rescued them before Arab Muslim arrived at 6:00am. God called Runben from army to serve the Lord. He was one of the strong pastors during the war. He worked hard encouraging Christians to stand strong in their faith. Even though the bombs were dropped on the church, he encouraged Christians to stand with him to rebuild the church.

In 1996 at Koto'bi Mundri Sudan.

Rebuilding the Church, as the above pictures of the destraction of the Church. As the Bible said, we are the church even though the house was destroyed, but still the worship, joy, the power and the glory of God keep us more strong to stand in the middle of perscution in southern Sudan. God brought revival in the middle of perscution.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Andrew Mandis is ready for school break 4 3weeks. Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Andrew Mandis Glory to God for the final. I got 95/100. Amen.
John Luethke
Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Donna Skipper
Whoohoo! Good for you.
Sheila McMahan
Chase Phillips Kilgore
Congratulations on your good work! I knew you would do well.
Josh Caldwell
You rock..
Lisa Murchison Mitchell
Yes! Yes! YES! - Thank you JESUS for being with my two Sudanese sons as they learn ENGLISH 101!
Andrew Mandis
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Love you
M. Vivian Nelson
That is EXCELLENT!!!!
Andrew Mandis will be attending a great wedding for the first time in USA on Saturday. My friend is working on my Sout. I'm going to apear like groom on Saturday. I'll also dance like Americans, look like Americans. YES, YES, YES. Can't wait.
Christy & Paul coming Home
Christy Wilson We can't wait to see you tomorrow evening. If you are still on line maybe we can chat.
We are so worried about you. We thought you're not coming.
Happy we will not left to B'ham without you. Praying for your travel back tomorrow.
Happy we will not left to B'ham without you. Praying for your travel back tomorrow.
Andrew Mandis Departure is bad.
Andrew Mandis is crying. Last lunch at school/SUSCC. All cooks are crying for me. And I'm crying because where ever I go God give me a good friends and family. I'm crying because God love me so much I don't know what to say. I do not have anything to give to my friend, but may God's blessing be upon each one of my friends. All I can say thank you Lord. God had a plan for me. Amen
Andrew Mandis is clearning the room. Today is my last day at SUSCC ready to move ahead. I thank God 4the great blessing in my life. God bless my friends.
Andrew Mandis hey our phone is nolong working.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My Dad
Andrew Mandis Final, final, final tomorrow.
Andrew Mandis I'm soooooooooooooo hpy 2hear frm m Dad. Soooooooooooooo hpy.
Andrew Mandis Final, final, final tomorrow.
Andrew Mandis give thanks unto the Lord.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Thanks GOD
Andrew Mandis thank God 4 getting A,B,B in the test and essay of last week. hoping for the final on July 30,09 then I will be done.
Andrew Mandis during the War and percution of christians in Sudan, one our Pastor said, OUR GOD IS NOT DEFEATED. God is my provider, protecter, friend, king, savior and my everything. He knows where to put me, send me and he knows all my heart. He knows everything about me praise the Lord.
Monday, July 27, 2009
NEXT Song?
Andrew Mandis Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God He will help you in your ways. Keep trusting God. Amen.
Daniel Phillips
This could be your next song.
Yesterday at 8:21am
Daniel Phillips
This could be your next song.
Yesterday at 8:21am
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Bethel Baptist -Moody Alabama

Chad Glover
Andrew it was a blessing to hear you and Bullen testify of the mighty deeds of our God this morning at Bethel. May God receive all the glory!
Sun at 9:13pm
Rick Mitchell
I praise God for your witness and I am so proud of my boys.7 more days.........
Sun at 9:43pm
Saturday, July 25, 2009
360 Construction Day 2
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
What a Mighty GOD
Andrew Mandis posted TODAY on FaceBook - terrible accident happened to me, When I open up my heart and allow Jesus in. My friends run away from me. Jesus becomes my close friend. Jesus always answer my prayers. He fulfill my needs. OV 22yr being in the war in Sudan.Running and hiding in the jungle, eating roots. aircraft was dropping bombs close to me. He send me to school here in USA .What mighty God we serve. He's helping me so that I'll help others.
Andrew Mandis this is journey of faith. God has stated and he will finish it in his time. I 'll live for him. Glory to God.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
It's HOT Riding!

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